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How to start living a purposeful life.

May 13, 2020

It is not difficult to discover God’s purpose for living. The reason why many people find it tasking is because they are so busy trying to find purpose when they should be living out their purpose.”

These words were the words the Lord brought to my spirit few days ago.

He then reminded me of the story of Saul of Tarsus who became the great Apostle Paul.

In Acts chapter 26:16, Saul of Tarsus had his purpose defined at the point of conversion. he didn’t have to listen to too much messages about purpose. He didn’t have to read books upon books. All he needed was a light and the voice of the one that mattered most.

You have not been doing anything wrong if you have been doing the above. But beyond that, you ought to stand up and do something. What should you do?

Live out God’s generic purpose.

In Genesis 1:28: “And God blessed them and God said unto them

πŸ‘‰ be fruitful
πŸ‘‰ multiply
πŸ‘‰ replenish the earth
πŸ‘‰ Subdue the earth
πŸ‘‰ Have dominion

Until you start living out this first dimension of God’s purpose spelt out in these five sentences, you are not likely to lay hold of your specific purpose in life.

You may think you don’t much, but the little you know how many people have you multiplied it in?

You may think you don’t know how to do anything, you don’t know how to do anything. I understand ma. But what good have your existence done to the earth?

See, I’m not talking of your spiritual life alone. I’m talking all round. Your family members, your campus, your social media handle, your friends… Can you pause and be sincere with yourself?

So instead of you sitting down and listening to sermons on purpose, can you begin today by being a blessing to someone next door.

In Acts 26:16. Scripture says you should
πŸ‘‰ Arise
πŸ‘‰ Stand
πŸ‘‰ Discover Purpose.

Here, you can only arise in this terms when you have God in your life.

True Purposeful people are people that live for the betterment of the world and the reward of eternity!

Purpose is beyond helping humanity, you don’t want to go all out doing exploits on Earth and in eternity God says to you:

A lot of people will receive this shock in eternity.

Look at what I created you for. You didn’t touch it!”

I can only imagine what their lot will be.

Okay! Let me remind you if you already know. God won’t tell you everything he created you for all at once. If He did. You’ll be too weak to even start!

So what is God doing?

He’s waiting for you to get busy doing his generic purpose. By so doing, you would have built some capacity to stand the revelation of his plans for you.

Arise! – For me, I arose when I gave my life to Christ and began doing what my hand findeth to do faithfully.

Stand! – I stood when I got a knowledge of what purpose was and I began to do the more what I can do to replenish the earth.

DISCOVER – I started discovering at some point in my 300Level after an encounter!

And ever since then I have not stopped discovering.

Stop worrying about how you will discover God’s purpose for your life. Instead, start living the purpose you already know!

The time to start is now!

Have a purpose mindset for everything you represent.

This means you have to begin influencing lives in your little sphere of influence. Use your skills, your talents, your resources, your money. Influence the world witYou don’t have to publicize yourself. You are building capacity.

Continue Praying while you do the above. Read your bible (I discovered my purpose the year I made up my mind to read my Bible from Genesis to Revelation for the first time.)

Learn how to hear God’s voice and obey his leading.

Discover God’s purpose for specific situations in your life. E.g. you need to ask God why you are in that town, why you were born into your family, why God allowed you to be in your church fellowship e.t.c. All these purposes will align in the future to help you find your specific purpose in life.


May you hear His voice of direction clearly like never before in Jesus name.


Written by Fruitful E. John

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